Thursday, December 31, 2009

Surprise Message for You!

The below message is especially for you!
Copy the below numbers onto notepad, press cntrl + H, press 6 in find box and underscore(_ ) in replace box and click replace all button.

6666666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 666666666666
6669966666996699669 9999999669966666 9966666669966666 6996699999999669 9666699666666666 6666696666666666 666666666666
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Avatar - Great Movie!

Has anyone seen the new movie, called is just too amazing....with all the special effects and all. Initially I went to watch it just because everyone was going to see I thought that it had to be something good otherwise why are people going for it. True it is a futurist movie with androids and aliens but somehow it is a very heartening movie. It is all about a marine who wins the hearts of the native creatures of the planet Pandora through the avatar he is given. The animated scenes are stunning and quite amazing. Anyone who has never watched animated movies....this is a place to start....go and watch Avatar it is great!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa visits tbs!

All tbsians were in for a suprise as Santa took rounds of the Times Business School campus on Christmas Eve.

Spreading Christmas cheer, Santa went from classroom to classroom distibuting sweets and goodies.....thanks for the sweets Santa!


..PARTY ON......


Saturday, December 19, 2009


Saturday, December 19, 2009


Day 2 of Times Business Schools, SIZZLERS had much more in store for the students of tbs.......

beginning with the sports finals events, the winners were declared for each of the events. Ashish of BBA 3rd Sem and Riddhi of BBA 3rd Sem walked away winners of the male and female table tennis events. The winner of the Carrom and Pool were also declared. The arm wrestling event was the coolest event and the winner was tbs's newest Pehelwan Praveen of BBA 1st Sem. Siddhart, Yatin and Eshan great going!

...But the most awaited and most exciting sporting event was the Tug-of-War Event. At 3 pm a gang of tbsians proceeded to the Kailash Colony Park armed with just a rope and enthusiasm. The teams were divided according to the courses and years....and ultimately it was the students of BBA 3rd Semester who won the event on the day.

Anushka looked amazing MC-ing as she introduced TBS's rockstars Amar and MS who gave renditions of some of the most popular western and bollywood numbers. On popular demand Alok Sir, Prasonjit Sir, Abhishek Sir, were called on stage for dance and singing performances....we did not know about your hidden talents!

The prizes were distributed to all the winners of the sports and other events held during the fest days. Since the BBA 3rd Sem students walked away with most of the trophies of individual events they were declared the winners of the tbs trophy for Sizzlers 2009, great going guys!....

Fashion Event
.....the ramp sizzled as the fashion show themed ' hell to heaven' began on the tbs terrace.
The costumes were amazing......the students presented rounds of Casual wear, Traditional wear, Formal wear. Ultimately it was the heaven round after which the event was concluded.....great going Ananya and Abhijeet .....participants you were amazing.

....The students then danced like crazy as the DJ played some of the most rocking numbers. ...Joheb of MBA 1st Sem was given a special prize for his impromptu shairyi performance at the one-min-2-fame event..... Even the teachers and staff of tbs were pulled on to the danced floor and the music played till the neighborhood could not take it anymore.

....TBSIANS did u enjoy.....should SIZZLERS B there every year! Meenakshi Mam and I had a great time helping you guys out.
...Picture are coming up..........guys whoever has other pics u can add them……and add your comments

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 1 of SIZZLERS!

The Students of Times Business School had a sizzling time as the first ever fest sizzlers happened at tbs. The stage was set and the students waited enthusiastically for the start of the event.

The inaugural ceremony was hosted by our very own Siddharta Das, who welcomed Ms.Aakriti Beri, Knowledge Manager, Human Capital Division, and Ms.Vibha Lakhera, Academics to initiate the function.

The first event of the day was the 'one Minute to Fame' event that had a number of great performances from students from all courses and of all years. These performances ranged from dancers, poets, classical vocalists, and even a surprising show of strength by a karate display by our very own Riddhi. The judges were Ms.Beri, Ms. Lakhera and Mr.Alok who were to decide the winners.

Ultimately it was Prateek Lal who also entertained with poetry who came in first place and in second place was Jyoti, who danced to ganesh hegde main deewana . Third place went to Praveen who sang melodiously. Amar though seemed to be the crowd favorite as everyone demanded for an encore.

And then......lunch was served ....delicious noodles, fried rice, momos, bhel puri, papadi, etc was enjoyed thoroughly by the students.
The sports events continued and the semi-finals were held of the pool, table tennis and carrom events.

At 2pm sharp, the students gathered for the Treasure Hunt, which was one of the most awaited events at the fest SIZZLERS. This was one of the most exhausting and the most interesting events ever held at tbs.

Tomorrow the pictures will be up…

….…also coming up experience of the organizers….

And tomorrow the most awaited FASHION SHOW………

Friday, December 11, 2009

Table Tennis, Pre-quarter Finals

The following Pre-Quarter final matches are scheduled for 15th and 16th December, 2009: -

- 15th Decmber, 2009
Prateek VS Aditya

Nitin VS Zukube

Ashish Uppal VS Mrityunjay

Khalid VS Srinathji

- 16th December, 2009

Mukesh VS Anuj

Ashish BBA (3rd Sem) VS MS

Siddhart VS Yogesh

Sumit VS Kamal


15th December

Ankita and Shambu VS Gaurav and Ramnaresh

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 4 Sports Events Results at TBS

Day four resulted in the following winners in the Table Tennis event:-

Ankit (BBA 1st Sem) VS Ashish (BBA 1st sem)
Winner: Ashish

Ananya VS Srinathji (BBA 3rd Sem)
Winner: Srinathji

MS (BBA 1st Sem) VS Devan
Winner: MS

Aditya VS Nirvan
Winner: Aditya

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 3 Sports Events Results at TBS

The participants and winners of the matches held on Wednesday were as follows :-
For Table Tennis:-
Mritunjay VS Manoj (BBA 1st Sem)
Winner: Mritunjay

Karan Garg VS Anuj
Winner: Anuj (forfeit)

Ashish BBA(3rd Sem) VS Vivek (MBA 1st Sem)
Winner: Ashish

Eeshan VS Prateek
Winner: Prateek

Carrom matches were as follows: -

Mukesh and Puneet VS Manoj and Hariom
Winner: to be declared

Ankit and Eeshan VS Amit and Prateek
Winner: to be declared

Ankita and Shambu VS Vivek and Ishan
Winner: Ankita and Shambu (Forfeit)

Jai and Kaushanbhi VS Ramnaresh and Gaurav
Winner: Ramnaresh and Gaurav

Suraj and Priyadarshan VS Sushant and Prasenjeet
Winner: Sushant and Prasenjeet

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sports Events for SIZZLERS Continue....

The Second Day for the Carrom and Table Tennis Matches continued today and the winners were declared. The following were the participants and winners for the day :-

Praveen VS Zukube
Winner: Zukube

Siddhart VS Yatin
Winner: Siddhart

Sumit VS Vivek Pant
Winner: Sumit (forfeit)

Abhijeet VS Yogesh
Winner: Yogesh

Monday, December 7, 2009

Countdown to Fest begins!

The Times Business School fest ‘Sizzlers’ is barely 10 days away and would to be held on 17th and 18th of December 2009 at the campus. Preparations are going on for the various events to be held and the participants are giving their best in each of the events.

Today the first rounds of sports events took place for the Table Tennis and Carom Events. The finalists of each event would go on to play in the matches scheduled for the Fest Day.

The Table Tennis matches scheduled and winners were as follows -

Prasenjeet VS Md.Khalid
Winner: Md.Khalid

Kamal Thapar VS Ashish
Winner: Kamal Thapar

Nitin Raina VS Vinay
Winner: Nitin Raina (forfeit)

Mukesh Pandey VS Touseef
Winner: Mukesh Pandey (forfeit)

The Carom matches scheduled and winners were as follows -

Suraj & Priyadarshan VS Sushant & Prashanjeet
Winner: Sushant & Prashanjeet

Mukesh/Puneet VS Hariom/ Manoj Bhargav
Winner: Yet to be declared

Stay tuned for tomorrows matches.........

Thursday, December 3, 2009

CAT Test Failure

The Head of IIM Ahmedabad just recently said to the Hindustan Times: “We have failed in delivering an error-free system … We feel responsible and will move forward (in correcting those errors). Read it again...this is IIM saying they have Failed. As we all know by now the CAT exam on its first online attempt had been a total failure. Prometric had been the organization that has been conducting the online CAT this year and have themselves admitted to the failure of their system. Now instead of being on just one day the test is being held for 10 days, but instead of being an easy affair it has become a very disturbing experience for the test taker.

At least 45,000 students had enrolled for the test in the last three days out of which 8,000 could not take the examination due to technical problems. From many experiences some points noted below have been gathered regarding the new test.

- Due to a virus many were not able to even log in and were told that their test would be rescheduled
- Many found it quite similar to the SNAP online test
- This year the difficulty level was much lesser that earlier CAT’s
- Total questions were 60.. so even if 30 are attempted and are accurate it would be fine
- The time factor is important as you need to keep track of the time
- Do as much manual work you can. Do not depend only on the review button to identify the question you want to go back to. Make a note of that question on the rough paper.

After such a disaster it would really seem like the IIM’s are overrated. It would be much better to go for the MAT test which is conducted both as a paper based test as well as an online test. Also the wait for the MAT is much less as it is conducted four times in a year. So next time your looking for a B-School, do try got yhr MAT test.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Value of one rupee

Friday, the 13th of November was declared as a Delhi Bandh by the BJP to protest the increasing price rise. It is already almost evening and nothing has come out of it. No burning of busses and basically no stoppage of usual activities. No reaction from developmental Delhi-ites.

But even though Delhi is not reacting on the outside, there remains a small voice of protest that remains on the inside of the Delhi-ite that has stood the test of price rise over the ages. This little voice wants to speak of the times when people used to get salaries no more than a hundred rupees and still get on with their lives as the worth of the rupee at that time was worth much more than it is today.

Today when the lowest bus ticket has become 5 rupees, you would think that 1 and 2 rupees have lost their value and want to get rid of them as soon as possible. But even in today’s costly era I have dug out the worth of the one rupee.

The following are things which can be purchased for just one rupee:
- 1 cup water
- 1 toffee Р̩clairs, big bubble, center fresh, boomer
- 1 refill
- Eraser (local band)
- 1 matchbox
- 1 pan parag pan masala, pass pass
- 4-5 bedis
– 1 cigarette (local brand)
- Rubber bands
- 2 polythene bags
- Blank A-4 sheet of paper
- 1 Photocopy/Printout
- In weddings for shagun ( eg 200 +1, 500 +1, 1000 +1, etc)
- In Airfare + taxes (1+3000, 1 +4000, etc)
- 1-shampoo sachet– clinic, sunsilk
- STD, local mobile calls, depending on plan

One day when price rise is high enough, the one rupee will be redundant, but still hold on to it because after 25 yrs when it is declared an antique it may have double the value on ebay…….

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fest of TBS

No Rumors….. TBS Fest christened - ‘Sizzlers’ would happen on 17th & 18th December 2009. Students would be coordinating some events and other arrangements would be done by the Institute. Notices would be put up soon so, check them out.

All those interested to join the various competitions can submit their names to the various co-ordz...yes a lot is too be done and there is so little time, so we need all the help we can get. Any ideas…. do come forward n share.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

\m/ FEST MANIA !!! \m/

hay dudes,,,rumors are afresh about a fest to be organized in the college...
so....if it so theirs a lot to be done n the dates are kept mid of December...

so ny1 in touch with sponsors or nything as such , do come forward n share it with the class...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Run with a Purpose

This is for those who want to participate in an activity with a difference....The Salwan Group of schools is organizing a Marathon/Cross Country Run for children on Sunday 8th November 09 from 9am onwards.

Another special run would be there for blind children on the same day who would be guided by volunteeers. This is a chance for any working professional or college student to participate....only one thing....the deadline is probably tomorrow 4th Nov hurry up...if u want to do something different.

To participate all you have to do is Send your resume with two coloured photographs and proof of residence by email at

For further details u may contact:-

Mrs. Shashi Srivastava
Mob : 98917-52588

Mrs.Abha Jain
Mob : 98111-46564

Mr Subhash Chakrobarty
Mob : 98735-51838

see website :

Friday, October 30, 2009

\../ NOTE ;) \../

so guyz now that we are all connected ....hers the deal, its been a year and a half n a trip is long awaited. Never reaally got a platform to discuss this and more but now that we do, lets start afresh shal we?!!
soo...we got 5 followers here.....come on in, increase that to 25 n then we talk....

its real simple u just ve to click "follow" that is right about here..

n follow instructions thats it . helps u have a gmail a/c and a photo as well////

soo guyz buck up lets get things going .!!!

this is for all tbsians an that includes the faculty as welll... i can only c cathrine mam her....sooo plz do join in!!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Hey all my headbanging batchmates...the great Indian rock festival has come to an end and my my what a show that was!!! Its something that is worth a mention in ny blog and when there r a couple of metalheads in our college then we gotta share it with all u guyz... Alrighty then.....

24-10-09 Day One
....Saturday....the air was thick with music...we reached there by 5 ...completely dressed for the occasion of course saving sm fr the next day.... we could hear cybals being smashed frm a mile away..... excited as we were we all rushed in after being greeted rather exotically by the bouncers completely dressed in black with matching black shoes and a grin that can make the best back off.... The first band lined up was RABBIT WAS RICH which was a band frm Delhi.... judging by the name we figured it out to be a some-some band with a what a shock we were into...they blew our tops by belting out covers from lamb of god n played some of their originals too that was enough for us to wait justa lil longer for the rest...

k...a lil rest n then second band THE CIRCUS were to perform. The volunteers were busy configuring guitars n changing drums when we glanced upon smbdy....there he was,,,,,Vinay Venkatesh...bhayanak maut frontman who were to perform the other was almost sm dream come true moment fr all o us.....we bashed ahead of the crowd n gt his autograph n sm photos..... we’ve been all dreaming to grow a beard like his,,,,bt u kw....dat doesn’t exactly goe with the formal dress code in the college does it ;) !!

ya so THE CIRCUS was next n did some pretty decent job lined up was UNDYING INC,,,another one from Delhi....that was the band we wer waiting fr....the first string was pulled n ther we were ripping our shirts off bangin with a velocity that could make a jackhammer feel ashamed of itself...!!! man those guyz were insane.,.. loved every sec of it......

The next 2 bands were SOLSTATE from New Zealand and progressive rock/mathcore band from Norway BENEA REACH..while SOLSTATE belted out some good stuff it was BENEA REACH that did it for us... the vocals were...something you hear in bollywood graveyard scenes...hahhaha that was some good stuff....

show ended at about 9-45 n with a couple of bruises thanks to undying inc...we caught a bus and reached home..... bt our hearts longing for what was to await us for the next day..

25/10/09 5 pm, Day Two
AMOR N MS were to join us in the next pit screaming their lungs out pushing and showing people like some tribal ritual.....while bhayank rolled out their new singles we were lost, to their music,,,,,not before did they play ranti nasha did we leave them in peace!!! Sooo the stage was taken over by SCRIBE next who did quite an impressive job ,,,,, the show ended at 10 the last being INTRONAUT from USA who did their magic on stage...the drummer was exceptional..... Sooo;.....that’s the end of it....hope you guyz enjoyed reading it.... please contribute more so that we can make it something of n envy to our fellow colleges CHEERS!!!!!
{plz watch this space for more photos}
sorry guyz bt the videos arnt getting uploaded...plz lemme knw...if u ve the cure...

k gt sm videos frm youtube...
copy n paste it to ur address bar

chk out amors page for more pics....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Diwali to all from Times Business School !

May the warmth and splendor, that are a part of this auspicious occasion, fill your life with happiness and bright cheer, and bring to you joy and prosperity, for the whole year………….. Best wishes from Meenakshi Mam

Celebrate the triumph of Goodness over evil. May this bright day bless you all with health, wealth and prosperity. Happy Diwali……Best wishes from Haque Sir

This diwali tum sabko mile….Rathore ki Aim…Film stars ka Fame……..Game show ka Jackpot………Hit film mein ek spot…….Jadoo ki chhari……..lots of crackers aur phuljhari……..sab ka dher saara pyar aur dosti…….and lots n lots of fun n masti
Wishing u a very HAPPY DIWALI!........... Alok Sir

Wishing each one of you a very happy and prosperous deepawali. May this year brings you lots and lots of happiness in life and may you fulfill all your dreams………….Best wishes from Catherine Mam

May the Divine Light of Diwali Spread into your Life Peace, Prosperity,
Happiness and Good Health. Happy Diwali….. from Anu Mam

Hope the festival of lights enlightens your home and heart with peace and serenity. Wishing you loads of joy and happiness on Diwali……………Best wishes to all from Sujoy Sir

Khushian ho overflow,masti kabhi na ho low,dosti ka surur chaya rahe,
dhan aur shorat ki ho bauchar, aisa aaye aapke liye DIWALI KAY TYOHAR…………..Best wishes to all from Dhirender Sir

Na dimag se……Na zuban se……Na paigam se…..Na message se……Na gift se Aap sab ko happy diwali
Direct dil se…………………Best wishes to all from Hemant Sir

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Role Play at TBS

The air was filed with drama at times business school as both MBA and BBA students of both first and second year participated in the role play competition held on 9th October. The topics were given as 1) most embarrassing moment and 2) first day at times business school. The winners were MBA 3rd semester who took the audience back a year and made everyone laugh with various incidents that occurred during and outside class on their first day at tbs. They did not shy away from making fun of their teachers or even their friends, which made the play quite interesting.

Second place went to MBA first year Group 1, who enacted a dramatic play about religious unity, with superb performances from all actors. The concealing effect of the 'human curtains' was a good idea, which added a great deal of anticipation about the upcoming scenes. Very well done!

Another play that did not win, but was still the most popular, was enacted by MBA first year Group 2, about Begging during the time of Recession. This play was quite different and though it was way from the topics given, it was truly the most entertaining.

The Programme ended with Alok Sir informing all present that certificates would be given to all students for the event and he also announced that the next programme would be the sports event that would be happening after a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kingfisher Rocktoberfest 2009

Hi Everyone....for all rock fans, below are the details of the Kingfisher Rockoberfest to be held in Delhi from 30th October to 1st November 09......chek it out n' try to make it.

RSJ presents Kingfisher Rocktoberfest In Association with Fever 104 FM at Garden of Five Senses, Said-Ul-Ajaib & Cafe Morrison, South Ex-1 - 4 pm onwards on 30th October to 1st November 09
Time : 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Entry : Rs. 400 per day for Stage 1 Gigs and free for Stage 2 and 3 ( mentioned in the schedule below )

Venues :
30th October to 1st November : Garden of Five Senses, Said-Ul-Ajaib, M.B. Road, South of Saket, New Delhi - 110030
2 Kms from PVR Saket

1st November : Cafe Morrison, South Extension - 1, Andrews Ganj, New Delhi

Event Details : RSJ presents Kingfisher Rocktoberfest In Association with Fever 104 FM.

At Garden of Five Senses :

Friday 30th October
Stage 1 :
Amphitheatre (4PM - 10PM)
Fire Exit
Da Saz
Skinny Alley
Midival Punditz
Stage 2 - Spice by QBA (7PM - 10PM)
Divij K
Stage 3 (11PM - 1AM)
Leon Russell & Doktor Daniel

Saturday 31st October
Stage 1 : Amphitheatre (4PM - 10PM)
I am the Boombox
Half Step Down
Them Clones
Raghu Dixit Project
Stage 2 - Spice by QBA (7PM - 10PM)
BlueOrb (Audio Aashram)
Stage 3 (11PM - 1AM)

Sunday 1st November
Stage 1 : Amphitheatre (4PM - 10PM)
Blank Noize
Lazy River
Fredy Massamba
Thermal & A Quarter
Stage 2 - Spice by QBA (7PM - 10PM)
Doktor Daniel

At Cafe Morrison :
1st November :
Stage 3 (11PM - 1AM)
Another Vertigo Rush

Monday, October 5, 2009

Times Business School laptops given: Laptop Care tips

First year BBA and MBA 2009 students of Times Business School recently received their laptops. They were simply thrilled to receive them. Now they are eager to give their presentations which would be happening very soon.

Since most students may not be aware of how to maintain their laptops, I will give some tips for them and others who are new laptop owners. The following are some things to do or not to do so that proper care is taken of your laptop:

Avoid over heating – You should keep your laptop ventilated; if your processor is constantly exposed to high level applications it will become extremely hot. You must never block the fan. Also you should constantly check if the fan is working properly as it may lead to overheating. There may be only one exit on your laptop for hot air to exit. You must make sure that this exit is not blocked.

Always lock your notebook - This might sound unnecessary but locking your laptop will keep anyone around you from looking at what you are working on and ensure that anything private stays that way. To lock your laptop easily all you have to do is just press the Windows Key + L at the same time and it will lock your laptop. To unlock your laptop simply press Ctrl + Atl + Del and then enter your password and you will be returned back to exactly where you were previously.

Use the screen with care – The screen very easily gets smudged. Try hard not to touch it with your fingers. Sooner or later finger prints may come on the screen, these should be wiped with a soft and dry cloth. Also remember not to leave any papers, pens, etc when closing the laptop as this could permanently damage your laptop.

Keep your laptop clean– Oily foods can get into the surface of the laptop and corrode it slowly. If any soft drink accidentally falls on your laptop this could lead to permanent damage. Also you should always keep your laptop dust free.

Clean your hard drive – It important to keep the contents on the inside of your computer safe. You must run routine virus and spyware checks from time to time to ensure that your computer has not been slowed down or affected by a virus. Always make sure to turn your firewall on, and that you’re careful about which websites you visit and from where you accept files form.

Safely storing your laptop - While the great laptop bags that are sold are wonderful for transporting your laptop it is very important that you turn your laptop off before you actually put it into the bag. If you do not power it down you could melt your laptop or potentially catch it on fire.

Don’t use the floor - There is never any reason to leave your laptop on the floor even for a brief moment. While it might seem like a good place only for a moment, it can create problems if you have a pet that decides to use the computer as a chew toy, or if someone accidentally steps on the laptop.
Use surge protectors – If you are living in an area with constant power surges by using surge protectors or stabilizers, you can adequately protect your computer from internal damage.

If you follow most of the above points you can definably enjoy your laptop experience and at the same time increase the life span of your laptop.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Times Business School Wall of Fame

Two first year MBA students were inducted to the tbs family on Wednesday, 23rd September. Swati Chaudhary and Vivek Mohan who won the tbs biz quiz just a few days back, added their hand prints to the tbs Wall of Fame. Congrats to you both, I'm sure there will be many more achievers who would fill up the tbs walls!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Biz Quiz at Times Business School

It was a day of testing ones knowledge of the corporate world as Times Business School organized the Biz Quiz on 18th September at the institute. 32 teams of two members each from BBA and MBA courses participated in the first round which involved answering questions in a paper based test. Six teams were selected as the quizzing teams based on the number of question they got correct.

The first round was a tough round that included questions about famous CEO’s and also included punch lines of various brands. The second round was the General Awareness round where the teams were asked general questions that were recent happenings and changes in the business world.

The third round was the audio visual round that included guessing some TV based advertisements. The teams were also shown the logos of multinationals and were made to guess the logo names as well as the companies.

Even the audience members were allowed to answer some of the questions and were also given prizes; this resulted in few people giving wild guesses, who succeeded in generating some laughs. The event was fully enjoyed by all students and staff members present. Swati Chaudhary and Vivek Mohan were ultimately declared the winners. The team that came second comprised of KP Prayag and Ahmad Faraz. All four were cheered on by seniors and batchmates as they received their well deserved prizes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Changes in CAT 09

I just visited the IIM website the other day as I wanted to know more about the online CAT. It’s not that I’m going to take the CAT this year, but I just have a curiosity to know what it’s gonna be like.

After taking a CAT prep course last year, I had very soon realized that cracking the CAT was going to be quite tough. When the D-day came, I realized that it was more difficult than I thought. I managed to get an average percentile which would have been better if it hadn’t been for negative marking.

There are many changes in the CAT09, to be held for 10 days from 28 November to 7 December, some are good, and some bad. Go though them if you’re planning to give the CAT or just if you curious about it.

I will begin with the good ones and end with the not so good ones.

- Choice of Center: The test will be held at the computer centre of candidate’s choice, (like GMAT/GRE tests) so you can chose a centre next to your home. Previously a center was allotted at random. My center was about 20 kms from my home and quite difficult to find.
- Choice of Time: The CAT will take place in two sessions: at 10am and 3.30pm each day so you can chose a suitable time.
- Tutorial for Help: A tutorial on the test will be given before beginning the CAT to make students understand the online process.
- Fixed pattern of Qtns: Earlier the pattern of questions used to keep changing, like the number of questions, marks allotted, etc, now the questions would be having a more fixed structure.
- Essay: Earlier essay writing was not included, this year like GMAT and GRE one may have to submit an online essay at the second stage of evaluation. This is a good point for those with essay writing skills.
- No Pencils! : Lastly, no more carrying of pencils and erasers.

Any the not so good points……..

- Minus 15 Min: Of the entire 2 hours and 30 mins, 15 minute would be spent on tutorials of how to do the test….that would be a waste of …….FIFTEEN FULL MINUTES
- Double Rough Work: Making rough work….…copying form the monitor to the rough paper, would be a waste of another couple of seconds.
- No Turning Back: Earlier you could view all the questions at one glance, and then choose to solve the question in whatever order you chose. It has been a known tip to solve known questions first, Now, you can view just one question at a time and may even need to solve questions in a fixed order, with may be a flag for the questions to be solved later.
- Sectional time limit – Earlier one could attempt any of the sections in any order, for example do 3 quant questions first and then do the English ones later, etc. This year this may be different.
- Practice your Scrolling: Earlier it was easy to go through the Reading Comprehension section. Now the student would have to scroll up and down to read the whole passage.
- No looking back: Earlier one could take the question paper back with the rough work. Now even the rough paper provided would not be allowed to be taken home. So, even having others try to evaluate how you have done would become quite difficult. You would just have to wait for the results to be declared to find out just how well you have really done.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Advantages of International degree

Pursuing a foreign degree from India itself has numerous advantages. At Times Business School one can get a UGC approved Indian degree as well as a foreign degree. The degree received could be used to pursue further studies in a foreign country and could also be used for placement purposes in multinational companies and even for abroad placements.

In recent trends it has been noticed that lesser students are going for foreign study. This is not only because of the economic slowdown, but also because students have realized that there are more disadvantages than advantages in pursuing foreign study. I will mention below some of the roadblocks of a foreign education.

Educational Requirements - Most undergraduate courses require at least a ‘first class degree’ or 60% to be eligible and post graduate programme require at least 75%.Most students are unable to attain such percentages.

English requirements: Foreign universities require a thorough understanding of English language and most require that students get high scores in either ielts or toefl. This is disadvantageous to students from small towns who do not have a deep understanding for English.

Work-Ex Requirement: Most UK/US MBA degrees basically require at least 3 years work experience at a managerial level. Though after completion of the course getting jobs at a managerial level abroad would be quite a task.

Teaching Methods: Teaching methods are different overseas. Thus if students are not able to familiarize with the teaching methods, they would be unable to achieve the required grades.

Educational loans: Loan of at least 15 lakh onwards would be required by a student to pursue foreign courses; Though the stay back time is given to international students to pursue jobs, it becomes very difficult to get a good paying job to repay the bank after completion of study.

Work Permits and Employment: All countries abroad require visas for foreigners to either work or reside for longer periods of time. Work permit visas are available only through application from an employer who may have offered a student a job. The employer must prove that the student has unique skills and abilities that are not possessed by local citizens. This is a most time consuming process, so most employers will not offer a job to a foreigner who does not already possess a work permit, since employers who hire illegally are subject to heavy fines. Jobs without permits include those at restaurants, in agriculture or in teaching English. But working illegally puts one at risk of immediate deportation, possible fines, low wages earnings, other types of exploitation, and lack of legal protection or health insurance in case of injury or illness.

Hostel Stay – In another country, students have to adapt to the new environment which includes sharing rooms with foreign students, experiencing the four seasons and speaking English and other foreign languages. It is quite likely that some students would face discrimination and hostility.

Student Life: Since expenses are high overseas, most students have to work part-time to pay for the daily expenses and books they require. They have to do tedious household chores and prepare meals. Students must be independent enough to manage their time wisely to secure their grades while working. It is very difficult to be employed in companies abroad as only those with a scarce skill or professional experience have a chance of employment.

Thus pursuing a foreign degree from India itself is more advisable.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Times Business School Placement

TBS provides career counseling and guidance to students keeping in view changing market requirements through a well organized Corporate Development and Placement Cell. The Placement officer guides the activities of the Cell

For the all round development of students, the Institute lays special emphasis on personality development workshops, business communication and Presentations. Students are given thorough exposure to the recent trends and development in the corporate realm through guest lectures, corporate presentations and industrial visits. Workshops and seminars in collaboration with the corporate sector are a regular feature. The Student Affairs Cell undertakes such activities in addition to its normal role of coordinating various students.

The tbs Placement cell plays an important role in arranging resource persons for these activities. The Corporate Development and Placement Cell besides final placement of the budding managers, also facilitate summer Training, project work and industrial visits as an Integral part of regular programme

Major Recruiters:

Some of the Major Recruiters at Times Business School are:
ABN- AMRO Bank Citi Bank HSBC ICICI HDFC Standard Chartered Reliance Retail Aditya Birla Group State Bank of India Larsen & Turbo HCL ITC Limited Bharti Enterprises Mahindra & Mahindra Limited Reliance Communication Videocon Hero Honda Maruti Suzuki Globus UTV Software Communications Ltd. Deccan Adlabs films Limited Cinevista Limited Sahara One Media Mukta Arts Ltd SAB TV PVR Ltd Fame Adlabs Fun Republic INOX PVR Mc.Donald Pantaloon Wills Lifestyle Dominos Barista Music World Planet M Trent Pyramid ABB Airtel Mobile Store NDTV Media Guru New York Life India Bulls Nestle India ING Vysys Bank Zee Telefilms Tata Indicom Candid Marketing P & G Cadilla Vishal Megamart Raymonds Wipro

Friday, September 4, 2009

Times Business School : Accreditation with AUAC

Times Business School recently received Accreditation from the American University Accreditation Council for the period of June 2009 to June 2012. This has been given as Times Business School has been in compliance with the standards of this Council.

AUAC is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the American-style education through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. More than 170 colleges and universities worldwide have earned AUAC accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to responsible teaching.

AUAC accreditation is the primary means by which programs assure quality to students and the public. Accredited status is a signal to students and the public that an institution or program meets at least minimal standards for its faculty, curriculum, student services and libraries. The accrediting process is intended to verify that each accredited program substantially meets those standards either inside or outside of the United States. Since most country registration boards in the world require any institution for licensure to have accredited program, obtaining such a certification is an essential aspect of preparing for the professional practice of the graduates of the institution.

The list of all colleges accredited to AUAC can be accessed on the official website at

For students a list of faq’s about the importance of accreditation can be found at the link

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Visit to Delhi

Hello everybody...Today I want to share with you about my first day in Delhi. I reached Delhi in the morning on 24th March 2008. I was not used to the city at first, especially with the traffic which was always a big problem when travelling. A few months later we had do go to Goa for a holiday but we missed our plane due to Delhi's horrible traffic. I had almost decided that Delhi was the worst city to live in but I forgot about this after seeing the beautiful beaches of Goa.

When I returned to Delhi after a few weeks, I was again reminded of Delhi's dreadfull traffic when our car was hit by a bus. I had almost given up on the idea to stay in the city. But after some time passed I became more used to Delhi. There are many good thing about Delhi like the markets, malls, discs and of course my workplace, etc....and now I don't want to leave the place for anything. Now I feel that Delhi really is a Dilwalon ki Delhi.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blogging Ideas

Blogging may be quite difficult as many times one is faced with writers block. So I have included a few pointers that could be kept in mind while blogging. You could write about these when you cannot think of what to blog about:
1. Write about a Personal experiences: - tell a story. The more dramatic it is the better. This you may conclude with a lesson you learnt from this experience, For eg: your experience at tbs, freshers party, tour of Delhi, etc.
2. Let a great photograph inspire you. Behind every great photo is a story. You can take any photo and write about it in detail. The more different the photo is the more likely it is that others would read about the article. Also you can enclose the photo.
3. Comment on something in the news. This can be something global or something that is specific to India or Delhi.
4. Review a book, movie, mobile phone, any other popular device
5. Report on an interesting conversation. You meet lots of interesting people daily; there is always something that someone may have told you that you may want to share.
6. Make a seemingly overwhelming task simple. Often there are easy ways to doing something that less people are aware of. You can write about such tasks. For example, how to cook something, tips for travelers from out of station, tips on how to use facebook, orkut, etc
7. Explain the rationale behind a decision. You can write about something you did and explain why you did it. This can be quite interesting for other who may also learn from your decisions.
8. Own Contributions: You can send your own contributions if it is jokes, poems, photographs etc.
Gud Luck and keep blogging....

Monday, August 24, 2009

Freshers party at tbs

Saturday, 22nd August, was the Freshers Party at tbs. I got the honour of being one of the judges at the event. It started at around 2:00 pm, when all the students started arriving in the dress code: strikingly casual, with some coming in formals...though not looking less striking. The morning was quite hectic for the tbs team with all the planning and stuff but all was done and ready for the new tbsians.

The first round was the intro round of all the participants. The second round was the talent round which was superb. We, the judges were quite surprised at the students confidence and talents...with the dancing, singing, jokes, acting, sher-o-shayari, own poems, etc. The third round was the Q & A round which ultimately made winners of Joheb and Swati who were declared Mr.Fresher and Ms.Fresher....Congrats guys!

All then took to the dance floor and danced to the latest rocking bollywood and punjabi numbers with many clicking photos and taking video's which they would treasure forever!(phone mein sambhal ke mat rakho....virus aa jata hai .......send them to me...the best pics will be displayed and if u want to say just anything send me a mail at :